
Viewing posts for the category Office Eats

July Fruit of the Month - Cherries

Jul 03, 2024

The cherry season is short, so we're taking advantage of spotlighting them in July!

Cherries are the perfect summer treat! On top of their delicious flavor, they're packed with nutrients and are a valuable addition to any diet. 

1. Cherries are a powerhouse of antioxidants, including anthocyanins and ...

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Banana Q&A with Paul Sigona

May 30, 2024

A household staple, bananas are the number one most consumed fruit in the world. Yet few know the people who take them from the trees to our tastebuds. Paul Sigona is one of those people. He has over 40 years of produce expertise and oversees all operations here at Sigona ...

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April Fruit of the Month - Bananas

Apr 03, 2024

We're going bananas over April!

In the world of fruits, few can rival the humble banana in terms of versatility, convenience, and nutritional value. In case you didn't know about all the benefits of eating bananas, let's peel back the layers and see why they're so ...

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Winter Inspired Office Fruit Ideas

Jan 17, 2024

There are plenty of simple ways to incorporate fresh fruit into your workday. From energizing breakfast options to delightful afternoon snacks, these fresh fruit recipes will not only add a burst of flavor to your workday but also keep you feeling refreshed and inspired. 

Winter Citrus Breakfast Bowls: Combine segments ...

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Snack Ideas for Every Work Situation

Sep 20, 2023

Snacking during the workday is a great way to stay energized, focused, and satisfied. But with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right snacks for different work situations. That's where we come in! With our wide range of snack offerings, you can find the ...

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